Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ADT PicPlay

Participants : Sebastien Bonopera, George Drettakis.

The Technology Development Action (ADT) PicPlay a technology tranfer pre-maturation project, supported by Inria and by UCA Jedi. The objective is to create a startup company based on image based rendering technologies, taking benefit from the team’s research and experience over the last 8 years. At this early stage, we evaluated the market and produced several Proof-of-Concept demonstrations for potential clients. One of the demonstrations is our new asset streaming capability that allows the use for huge datasets (see Fig. 10).

Figure 10. streamable dataset using 6500 pictures (usual not-streamable dataset has around 30 pictures)

We also developed a new solution to improve rendering quality. This solution uses a 3D mesh for each view and refines it according to this view only, before blending each view. Finally, PicPlay involved the development of several tools for converting and processing datasets.



Participants : George Drettakis, Abdelaziz Djelouah, Theo Thonat.

This ANR project ended in September 2017. The goal was to use semantic information to improve urban reconstruction and rendering. The consortium was led by ENPC (R. Marlet) and includes the Inria Willow team and the GREY-C laboratory on image processing. Our contribution was in the rendering of urban models, in particular using image-based rendering algorithms. Our contribution resulted in several publications or planned publications (e.g., those described in Sec. 6.2.2, 6.2.3)